About Me!

"I was just about to pay $2,500 for another group's course but before I could get the funds together, I found The Roadmap, and Master Resell Rights.

$497 for what others were charging thousands for so I took a chance and signed up. Turned out to be one of the smartest decisons of my adult life." Melody

IF I have to sell you on the value of this Masters's level course then...

click off.

Let's be honest. You got here by watching numerous

testimonial videos on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook etc.

All of them raving about this course.

If you still have doubts, then click off,

go back and watch them again.

When you're ready, come back

and I'll get you connected.

The courses' Master Resell Rights 'The Roadmap' will

step by step, video by video, lesson by lesson

be your friendly guide. Know that you're about

to join a welcoming and growing community

who sincerely believe that

'we help ourselves by helping others'.

If you have questions or need help, please email me:



Ready to get started?


What You Will Learn!

  • Foundation of Your Business
  • Mission/Vision Statement
  • Branding Your Business
  • Brand Case Studies
  • How to Set Up Your Website
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Optimizing Sales
  • Content Strategy
  • Email Marketing
  • Platforms to Market On
  • Business Tools
  • Success Mindset